I'm a quoteaholic.

from the greats to granny...here lie some of the greatest quotes of all time.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

"I want to build my spirituality and all He says is IT grows, becomes. You don't make it grow, and you don't make it become."
"What if we could be those kind of Kingdom people?"
"What would it be like to be the kind of Christ-followers that gave our lives away for that?"
"Let's not just clean it up, but let's make it beautiful."
"I want you to not get to heaven and ask the question, 'Are we there yet?' I want you to have lived the life in this community where you've tasted it and touched it and felt it, and were part of it all the time."
"We are people who practice the presence of the Kingdom all around us."
"My prayer is this: that each step of the way, what people notice about Jesus is not about [us], but it's about that He is alive and He is resurrected, and He COMES-with grace and mercy and love and beauty."
--Rick McKinley


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